We Choose Who We Are:
Identity is a funny thing. We all struggle with it, and we all search for it. The only satisfying answer I have ever found is . . . I must exchange my identity.

We choose who we are.
The past does not define us. Certainly, it influences us and affects us. But we are not forced into being somebody because of our past. We are still responsible for the choices that we make. I could quote endless Scripture verses that support that truth.
Also, it’s ok to look back. Sometimes we need to remember what happened, what we did, who we WERE. I love Paul’s words: “And such were some of you” (1 Corinthians 6:11).
Remembering the past helps us better see the grace of God—that grace that enables us to be who we ARE. It is only through His power and strength that we can make better choices, holy and righteous choices. When Peter quotes the Old Testament and challenges us to "Be holy, even as [Christ] is holy," that's exactly what he means. It is only because of Christ that we do not have to be who we were, dead in our sins. It is only because of Christ's sinless life, death on a cross, and resurrection that we can claim our identity in Christ. We can claim an identity as a child of God, the Creator of the universe. We can claim an identity as an heir of God, because He has said that Christ is His heir; but if we are in Christ, then we too can claim that inheritance (Romans 8:17). Oh, Praise God! I do not have to identify as a dead, wicked sinner doomed for Hell and eternal separation from God. Thank you, God, for giving us humans free choice so that I could choose to believe You, to follow You, and to identify as Yours. And I continue to choose You each day, to die to my sin--to choose righteousness.
Are you still struggling with your identity? Have you never chosen who you want to be? Have you never heard about what I am talking about? Did you not know that you don't have to hate who you are? Choose Christ today! It will be hard, but not impossible. God promises to never give us anything too hard for us to handle (1 Corinthians 10:13). He wants us to choose Him. He can't force us, because then it wouldn't be true love. But He offers His love and inheritance and life to us ALL. It truly is YOUR choice to be who you are. Will you choose to claim your identity in Christ today?
The imagery of this mural speaks to this truth: beautiful colors in the midst of darkness, wings to fly above the darkness of this world, somebody else’s wings that are not our own; yet we get to claim them and use them. Loooooove symbolism!
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