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Don't do good . . .

My pastor started his sermon once with this quote: "Don't do good. The enemy of best is good."

He told us to turn to Genesis 4 so we could see this principle from Cain. Read Genesis 4.

Do well!!! Don’t just do the bare minimum. Don’t just do enough to get by. Don’t just do what YOU think is good enough. Do what GOD says is good enough. And that is your best.

Ask yourself: Could you have done better? Be honest! And I don’t mean could you do better in the future with experience and practice. That’s a cop-out, an excuse. I mean right now could you do better?

God had no regard for Cain’s offering because it wasn’t the best he could bring and because it wasn’t first. First meaning that Cain didn’t think God was important enough to consider Him first. Why is giving God your best first so important? It’s an act of faith! (Heb 11:4). Cain didn’t even offer the fat, which means the best. So not only did Cain not offer the first of his crop, but he didn’t offer the best. He kept the best for himself and used it to his advantage and then took what was left over and gave it to God asking for His blessing. But if God promises to bless those who do their best, then why was Cain so surprised when he was not blessed?

When you go to do a task, do you consider what God would call your best first? Or, do you think about what the teacher would consider your best or what your coach or parents or boss would consider your best?

God promised to honor those who do well, their best. Do you want God to honor you? Do you want God’s blessing in your life? Then you need to commit to always doing your best. Whether it’s your academics or your sports or your time management or any of your other responsibilities.

Now . . . Read verse 7: "If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.” Notice that God is not banishing Cain. God is not threatening to kill Cain. God is not removing Himself from Cain. God is rebuking Cain and presenting Him an opportunity to repent!

Have you ever considered that when you get in trouble or get a bad grade or get written up at work it’s because God is telling you that you didn’t do your best so you didn’t earn God’s blessing?

God keeps His promises. We want to claim His promises when they profit us or when they're easy. But sometimes, benefiting from God's promises is hard. It means doing the right thing even if we don't want to. There are times in life when we want to do what is easiest, like watching a movie instead of studying or going out with friends instead of preparing for your work presentation.

My dad has also taught me this principle before but in a slightly different way.

He warned me that many Christians get into a rut or develop apathy because they tell themselves that they're doing good. They are deceived, and Satan is the ultimate deceiver. They do their monthly nursery rotation and speak politely to rude cashiers and tip well at restaurants and help out their family members. But is that really their best? And are they doing it for the right reasons? Only the individual and God will truly know. Let's look at Genesis 4:7 again.

Right after God says to do well, He gives His reason. If you don't do well, you'll be tempted to sin. There are sins of commission AND omission. James 4:17 teaches us very clearly that "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." The Greek word here used for good is essentially the same meaning as the Hebrew word used for well in Gen 4:7. So from studying both the Old and New Testament, it is clear that God will bless us for doing well, that is our absolute best. And if we know what is our best to do but don't do it, then we are sinning. And if we're sinning, then we will not be blessed by God.

So I challenge you to ask yourself: Am I really doing my best? Do I want God's blessing? Am I willing to work hard despite how I feel to do my best no matter what? Do I really believe God's Word and trust His promises?



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