Getting to Know Me:
Christian, Wife, Teacher, Life-long Learner
My name is Lauren Whiting. I live in Fayetteville, NC.
Currently, I teach 10th & 12th English and 6th-12th theater at a private, Christian school. I love having the privilege to teach literature from a biblical worldview. This year I should be teaching a dual-enrollment class; the seniors who choose to take my class would earn their final HS English credits as well as their freshman college writing 111 & 112 credits. World Literature is my passion, but I also enjoy teaching students how to format and organize their papers. My future goals include using my M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction to become a school's curriculum coordinator and assist teachers in developing or refining their curriculum. Once I start having children, I hope to teach online so I can stay home with my children in their early years.
In class, I use PowerPoint, Prezi, Nearpod, Kahoot, Google Classroom and the affiliated Google Apps. I also use Media Player to record my computer screen when conducting flipped classroom lectures. Throughout the year, I require my students to use many of these, but I am always open to other suggestions. In the future, I hope to add blogging as a technology integration as well as a way to better document their writing and increase student interaction.
Last April (2020), when COVID-19 sent us teachers home, I decided to get a cat to keep me company, and I named him Puck (after the fairy from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream).
This April (2021), I married my best friend. Daniel and I both love coffee and the mountains. Daniel is currently finishing his history degree and hopes to continue his education and internship experiences to one day be a museum curator. We both collect antiques and enjoy visiting museums, local history sites and even cemeteries. Daniel has already completed two internships and had a research study published by our new local history center, the NC Civil War & Reconstruction Era Learning Center. I love how much we both appreciate history, culture, and learning.
We both grew up in strong, two-parent Christian homes, which I am forever thankful for because I realize how rare that is with each passing day. Today, we both serve in our local church. Daniel is an usher, and we both teach the teens' Sunday School class. I create the bulletin and maintain the church's website. We will teach our children that learning about Christ is far more important than any other learning.